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Provides various methods related to player movement.

Method summary

MovementUtil.getSpeed(): float

Returns the speed the player is moving at.

MovementUtil.isMoving(): boolean

Returns whether the player is moving.

MovementUtil.strafe(): void

Makes the player strafe.

MovementUtil.strafeWithSpeed(speed: float): void

Makes the player strafe with a given speed.
List of parameters:

  • speed, the in-air speed of the player while strafing.

MovementUtil.strafeWithStrength(strength: float): void

Makes the player strafe with a given strength.
List of parameters:

  • strength, the stremgth to strafe with.

MovementUtil.strafeWithSpeedAndStrength(speed: float, strength: float): void

Combination of MovementUtil::strafeWithSpeed and MovementUtil::strafeWithStrength.
List of parameters:

  • speed, the in-air speed of the player while strafing.
  • strength, the stremgth to strafe with.